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Welcome to episode #8 of The Debt Free Dad Podcast. Did you get, or are you expecting a tax return this year? If so, you may ...
Welcome to episode #6 of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. If you want to get out of debt, paying off debt isnā€™t the first step, I k...
Welcome to episode #5 of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. Today weā€™re sharing tips to help you start your first budget. If you want...
Welcome to episode #4 of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. Today weā€™re sharing tips to help you radically improve your financial beh...
Welcome to episode #3 of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. There are some people you should NEVER take financial advice from, and if...
Welcome to episode #2 of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. You may have heard the term, "FINANCIAL FREEDOM" But what does that even ...
Welcome to episode #1 of the Debt Free Dad Podcast. 2020 is here. Are you financially ready? Every year, many people resolve ...