Latest Episodes
Welcome to episode #41 of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. Student loan debt has soared to almost $1.6 trillion dollars, with 45 mi...
Welcome to episode #40 of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. Do you ever feel like no matter how much money you make it just isnā€™t en...
Welcome to episode #39 of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. Itā€™s officially fall, and one of my most favorite times of the year. But...
Welcome to episode #38 of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. There are some sneaky little expenses that can catch you off guard, we c...
Welcome to episode #37 of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. Financial stress affects every area of our lives, which means it's affec...
Welcome to episode #36 of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. Today we have a special guest joining us, Samantha Schopper, and she is ...
Welcome to episode #35 of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. Money habits and behaviors are learned at a very young age. That means a...
Welcome to episode #34 of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. Should personal finance be taught in schools? There are so many people w...