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The Debt Free Dad Podcast

Money and personal finance are one of the leading causes of stress among adults, but it doesn't have to be that way. By mastering the basics, you can completely change your entire life. On the show,Ā we share tips, tricks, and life lessons that have helped us, and thousands of others save and pay off millions of dollars. If you're looking for financial freedom, you've come to the right place.

The Debt Free Dad Podcast | Listen Notes

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Meal Prep Your Way To Savings budget get back on track getting started saving Feb 13, 2017

I'm sure you've all heard of meal prepping by now. It's pretty big in the fitness community and definitely picking up...

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Saving Makes Cents budget get back on track getting started hope and encouragement saving Jan 30, 2017

The reality that we live in is that credit trumps saving. Why wait and save up for a purchase when you can put it on...

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Budgeting... It's Sexy! budget get back on track getting started hope and encouragement pay off debt saving Jan 23, 2017

You. Need. A. Budget. This is not up for discussion. You must have a budget if you ever expect to make a difference in...

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A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish get back on track getting started hope and encouragement pay off debt saving Jan 09, 2017

It's the second week of the year. How are you doing on your resolutions? Did you know that 75% of people keep their...

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"I need a good credit score to be successful with money!" WRONG! budget get back on track getting started hope and encouragement pay off debt saving Dec 20, 2016

Does it matter how great of a chef you are when you don’t have the ingredients to create that seven-course meal? You...

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An Open Letter To Those In Need Of Hope budget get back on track getting started hope and encouragement pay off debt saving Jun 09, 2016

An open letter to those in need of hope,

Ever since I can remember and even going back to when I was a kid; I always...

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There Are No Quick Fixes budget get back on track getting started hope and encouragement pay off debt saving May 23, 2016

I hate to burst your bubble, but quick fixes don’t work.

If you can grasp this idea you can achieve just about...

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Are You Making This Mistake With Credit Cards? budget get back on track getting started hope and encouragement saving shopping think differently May 11, 2016

So the other day I was in line at Victoria's Secret with my wife. We were checking out and there was a young couple that...

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