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What's All the Hype About Direct Sales?

Why are so many people opting for direct sales? It seems like everywhere you turn there's someone selling LuLaRoe, Mary Kay, Pure Romance, Stella & Dot, or It Works! Direct sales companies have been around for decades—even more than a century. Avon takes that prize; it was founded in 1886. Lately, the direct sales industry has experienced a boom with more and more flocking to join the ranks. So what's the appeal?

It's all about the money, hunny!

Let me give you the stats. According to the Direct Selling Association, in 2015, retail sales reached $36.12 billion. People involved in direct selling have a higher percentage of annual incomes of more than $50,000 (58%) compared to all Americans (50%).

Direct sales definitely aren't what they used to be. So many are signing up to supplement their income. Most people don't make enough on their jobs and their lives are too busy to have a structured part-time job. Direct sales give them the flexibility to make more money without having to sacrifice their lives.

If you are thinking of going into direct sales make sure you understand these things first.

  1. The pay structure. Make sure you know how to earn money. Not all direct sales companies are created equal. Find consultants within the organization and ask them how long it took for them to make a profit.
  2. Don't pick a direct sales company because YOU like the product line. Yes, I know it's important to love what you're selling. But, make certain the product is popular in the marketplace. You are doing this to make money so make sure you can sell the product.
  3. This is another reason the direct sales industry gets a bad wrap. When you start a direct sales business, you essentially own a small business. It is critical to understand how you can make money, business expenses, profit, and how the money made affects your personal income taxes. If you mismanage your finances in your business, you will likely be out of business.
  4. Don't go into debt to start your business, to continue to fund your business, or to buy inventory. You joined to make money. If you go into debt, you are going in the wrong direction and making your financial situation even worse!
  5. Does the company offer training and will they support you in your efforts? Many people who join direct sales have little to no sales experience. It shouldn't scare you, but it is good to know that the company offers training. Training will get you up to speed to help you become more profitable.
  6. You don't need a special desk, office chair, computer, software, office supplies, a car, or any of that "STUFF" to get started. All you need to do is sell. All too often I see direct sales consultants spending too much time trying to get "set up" and they never launch. Don't get set up. Sell! Selling creates money!
  7. "It's easy!" Nothing worthwhile is easy. You must work hard on your business to have success. There is no "get rich quick scheme." Direct sales businesses, like any business, take time to build. Patience, consistency, and being intentional will help you win in the long run!

Many people have been able to experience true financial freedom through direct sales. They have paid off their debt, the ability to afford a home, money in the bank for emergencies, the ability to travel, and much more.

Are direct sales right for you? Only you know the answer to that question. But if you're living paycheck to paycheck, drowning in credit card debt, and in a financial hole you can't seem to dig your way out of, it's something you may want to consider. Do your research and find one that speaks to your needs.