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Do I need a coach?

Our coaches will help you develop and implement a plan specific to your unique situation. You may be facing a crisis like bankruptcy, foreclosure or harassing creditors. Maybe you need help building wealth or starting your small business. Even if you just have some general questions about money management, financial coaching could be right for you. Our coaches are trained to handle a wide variety of situations. They will offer detailed advice and a specific plan to make your money work for you! For more information on what happens in a coaching session CLICK HERE

How do I afford coaching when I am broke?

Financial coaching is a necessity for many people. Our services are an investment into your family and your life. What would your life look like two years from now if you implemented the principals of what we teach today? You may have to prioritize your spending in order to gather funds to pay for coaching.

If coaching is a necessity, then you also have to compare it to: 1) the costs of bankruptcy, which can be $500—2,000 in legal fees alone, or 2) the cost of credit counseling, which, at $30—$50 per month for four years, would cost around $2,000. With financial coaching you’ll have a plan to change your financial future! Many couples also find that addressing their financial situation reduces the stress on their marriage.

Do you sell insurance or investments?

No, we do not sell any financial products. If you are looking for these services we would be happy to refer you. What we sell is personalized financial coaching.

What if my spouse won't join me for a one-on-one coaching session?

Our policy requires both spouses to attend the coaching session. From experience, we’ve learned that coaching only one spouse does not work. This must be a team effort. If your spouse is not on board, sit down with them in a non-distracting environment and communicate how much you want them to participate in the finances. Do not let this be a time to nag, yell, scream, etc. Tell them that attending financial coaching can be your Christmas, birthday or anniversary gift this year.

Are you licensed?

There are no licenses or certificates required for financial coaching. The advice and help we offer is based off professional training, study, and personal experiences. You will be making your own decisions and your own choices based on our recommendations. We do not claim to have all the answers, we will however do our best to get you the answers and support you need and help you with your financial challenges. We will be there for you.