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podcast title Why That New Car Smell Stinks

Episode 13 - Why That New Car Smell Stinks

Welcome to the next episode of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. One of the coolest parts of buying a new car is that new car smell, but in today’s show we are going to reveal why that new car smell actually stinks.

New cars are a HOT DEBATE! I’ve been a part of many Personal Finance Facebook groups. When the new car topic comes up, it’s like being at the dinner table with family you don’t like, rude comments, yelling, Facebook fights, and it gets pretty heated. The new car topic is important because, as a financial coach, I see first hand how these car payments are playing a role in people’s financial lives. Today’s show isn’t about talking about how STUPID it is to buy a new car, or picking on people who do, but it’s meant to educate and challenge the new car, the costs, and to give you information to help you make a better decision.

What You’ll Learn

  • The side to new vehicles that most people aren't talking about.
  • The true cost to buying a brand new vehicle.
  • How car payments and loans are keeping most people broke.

Question of the Show

"I have a family member who isn’t doing so well with money, and recently they’ve asked me to lend them some money. This isn't the first time, I’ve done it in the past, but I want to work on my own goals and if I lend them money, it’s only going to take me longer to get out of debt. What would you guys do?" 

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