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podcast title Why Ordinary People Doubt They Can Get Out Of Debt

Episode 125 - Why Ordinary People Doubt They Can Get Out Of Debt

Welcome to episode #125 of the Debt Free Dad Podcast. Today we are talking about a big dream killer, which is doubt. A lot of people doubt they will ever get out of debt for many reasons, but it's the doubt that actually causes them to stay stuck. I believe most people have what it takes to get out of debt, especially if they can get past their own doubts, excuses, and limiting beliefs. We are going to talk about it on today's show.

What You'll Learn

  • Discover why most people doubt they can have success with money and getting out of debt. 
  • Are you falling for the, 'They must make a lot more money than me' trap?
  • Learn the one tried and true method to reduce doubt and limiting beliefs, and not just with your finances. 

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