Why Do You Work?
With Labor Day a few days away, I have a question for you: Why do you work? It may seem like a silly question as we work because we have bills and responsibilities, but you weren't born to just pay bills and die. Are you working just for a paycheck? Is it because of past financial decisions you made?
According to Gallup.com, a staggering 87% of people worldwide and 70% of Americans aren’t engaged in their work. Assuming you work from age 18 to 67, working full-time, you will have worked 90,000+ hours in your lifetime. That's a lot of hours to work when you're not engaged.
There are some who are okay with just working for a paycheck. Others feel their job should be more than just money. Here are more questions for you: If you could be anything, what would you be? Does your career serve your purpose?
As a financial coach, it's my job to help you become financially fit. Evaluate your work and career. What’s keeping you from making a career change that matches your passion? For many, it's the money and benefits they receive from their job. Fear is also a big factor—fear of failure, fear of the unknown and fear of what others may think.
When you aren't struggling to pay down debt and save for emergencies, you have the freedom and opportunity to do more than just work for a paycheck. You can work towards making your dreams come to fruition—whether that be taking a vacation, purchasing a home, starting a business—the possibilities are endless.
You may have Monday off from your job or you may not, but regardless, take some time to answer these questions. If your lack of financial stability is preventing you from living the life you want, it's time to do something about it.