Roots of Personal Finance Member Spotlight: Kylye Holly
Kylye Holly is a mom of two, with a fondness for dirt biking, mountain biking and motocross. She’s also a successful Pure Romance Consultant with a million dollar team. After prodding from her boyfriend, Justin, she signed up for our winter session of Roots of Personal Finance, which she just completed and has done a tremendous job.
Before taking Roots of Personal Finance, Kylye was, “terrible with money. Great at making it and just as good at spending it!” Very carefree with her finances, Kylye would often find money in her pockets that she had forgotten about and frivolously spending her bonus checks.
Roots has taught Kylye that she has more money than she thought. “The snowball thing is genius,” she said. “I didn’t think I had debt because I assumed that since I made all my payments, I was ahead of the game.” She was able to pay off about $8,000 of debt since January. “We have a $1,000 business fund now. $1,000 is our new zero in the checking account."
Roots of Personal Finance isn’t just about saving money and eliminating debt though. Kylye and Justin learned to communicate better in their relationship. They’ve also been teaching what they learned to their children—helping them have a positive association with money instead of a negative one. “I don’t want them to dislike money or ever trade happiness for it.”
Kylye and Justin are now looking forward to eliminating the rest of their debt before the end of the year and will have the down payment for their new house with land in the forest.
Kylye’s best piece of financial advice—“Don’t take advice from me, take the course. As Matthew Kelly says, ‘You cannot be great at anything without a coach. You can be good, but to be great, you need a mentor.’”