Let's Make Mail Fun Again
Let's make mail fun again!
I remember back when I was a kid and when you got mail it was one of the coolest things right? The letter or package had your name on it and you felt like you were actually part of the world. Somebody knew who you were.
I still remember when I signed up for the Burger King Kid’s club. Does anyone else remember this?
I waited for weeks and months for that welcome letter and I remember the day it came and how excited I was. By the way ā€Ŗ#BurgerKingā€¬, not one time did you send me something on my birthday, which was really the only benefit of being part of your club. I am still waiting!
Getting mail was fun!
Then I became an adult.
Mail was no longer fun.
The mailbox became my enemy and I avoided it as much as possible. Getting the mail meant bills, getting the mail meant fear, getting the mail meant pain.
Scary enough, it was no longer limited to my physical mailbox. It was creeping into my email inbox as well.
Getting mail was no longer fun and it was all my fault.
The mailbox did nothing.
I decided to own my mistakes and rid myself of those lousy statements and bills once and for all. Slowly over the course of several years, one by one, I paid off every single one!
Mail is fun again!
So much fun that mail now means checks and money. Not bills and debt! The mailbox is just a constant reminder because I pay it a visit every day. Every day I get to celebrate that accomplishment.
The funny thing is that most things in my life became much more fun once I became debt free. It was like going from little Mario to big Mario. Big Mario could always do so much more stuff.
Let’s make mail fun again!