Episode 41 - How To Send Your Kids To College Debt Free
Welcome to episode #41 of the Debt-Free Dad Podcast. Student loan debt has soared to almost $1.6 trillion dollars, with 45 million borrowers, it’s become the second largest debt behind mortgages, and for many it’s causing a lot of stress. If you’re a parent of a child getting ready for college, what if you could help your kids skip all that debt and financial stress and go to college with little debt or even no debt at all? I’ve got a special guest who is here to share some tips on how to do it… stay tuned!
What You'll Learn
- Myths around paying for college.
- What kind of debt-free money is out there?
- Where do you look for scholarships and free money?
- Framework to write a great essay.
Resources Mentioned
- 6 Steps to Quickly Secure Scholarships For College (..And Avoid Student Loan Debt): therealdebtfreedad.com/scholarships
- The Top Ten Things Keeping You Broke... And How To Fix Them! - FREE COURSE
- The Money Conversation - Free Guide
- 10 Money Saving Ideas You Can Start Today - FREE COURSE
- Brad's Totally Awesome Debt Freedom Planner
- For more help, and a step-by-step process to get started, enroll in Brad's FREE online course, LIFE WITHOUT PAYMENTS.
Free Tools and Downloads at www.therealdebtfreedad.com
Connect With Brad
- Website - https://www.therealdebtfreedad.com
- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/therealdebtfreedad/
- Private Facebook Group - http://www.facebook.com/lifewithoutpayments
- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/brad_nelson_debt_free_dad/
- Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/bradnelson0044/
- LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/balancedcents/
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