Is Your Bank Account Ready For The Holidays?
Are you ready for the holidays?
Let me share some quick statistics with you:
- According to the American Research Group, Americans on average spent $929 on holiday gifts in 2016. That number is likely to reach $1,000 this year.
- MagnifyMoney.com reports that Americans added a little more than $1,000 to their debt during the holidays in 2016. For many, it will take four months or more to pay it off.
- According to a recent MarketWatch article, 19% of people have ZERO dollars in a savings account. And 31% have less than $500.
- According to the Sun Trust Bank Holiday Financial Confidence survey, 43% of Americans feel pressure to spend more money on holiday gifts.
Why do these statistics matter? They matter because it means that many people are going to spend money they don’t have and are going into debt for their holiday shopping. Nothing says happy holidays like credit card statements in January. YUCK!
I want to do the holidays different this year—without debt. I want to pay CASH and I want you to join me! I would like to invite you to participate in our 2017 Holiday Savings Challenge. This FREE challenge runs from October 1-31, and it's our goal to give you 31 ideas for every day of the month to save money, so you’re better prepared with pockets full of cash for the holiday season.
So what do you say? Are you ready to give our Holiday Savings Challenge a shot and do the holidays different this year? You can join for FREE and get access to our holiday savings guide now!