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Podcast Title Watch out for these high school senior year costs

Episode 182 - High School Senior Year Costs to Watch Out For.

Welcome to episode #182 of the Debt Free Dad Podcast. As parents of high school seniors, we know that this stage is filled with anticipation, dreams, and a whirlwind of emotions. But amidst all the excitement, there are expenses that can catch us off guard. From pictures to parties and college application costs, we'll be exploring the surprising expenses that may come your way and share some strategies that helped us plan for these expenses in our own lives.

What You'll Learn

  • Senior year comes with some hefty costs! Listen now as we share some of the common ones that catch people off guard.
  • Discover tips to help you ease the financial stress of senior year.
  • Learn how to reduce the pressure of social influence and emotional purchases for your child.

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