Episode 242 - Financial Education Has No Age Limits

Are you tired and stressed about debt and finances? Do you find it difficult to see a way out or have you lost hope that things will ever get better? If so, you're not alone. Mary was in the same position when she started listening to the Debt Free Dad Podcast. But in just the last five months, she has made incredible progress, saving and paying off thousands of dollars. In this blog post, we’ll dive into Mary’s journey, the steps she took, and how you can also start your journey towards financial freedom. 



Welcome to Episode 242 of the Debt Free Dad Podcast! In this episode, Brad Nelson, the founder of Debt Free Dad, shares an inspiring interview with Mary, a member of the Roots community. Brad and his co-hosts have personally experienced the anxiety of living paycheck to paycheck before learning the fundamentals of financial success. They are now on a mission to empower regular people to pay off their debt for good and enjoy happier, less stressful lives.  

A Little Background 

Mary grew up in a simple environment where her parents were solid with their money. Even as a child, she learned the value of money and the importance of budgeting from her parents. As she grew older, Mary managed her finances well, always paying her bills on time and avoiding credit card debt. However, life took a turn, and she found herself in a cycle of consolidating debt and running out of money at the end of each month. 

The Turning Point 

Mary’s turning point came when she discovered the Debt Free Dad Podcast. She randomly typed the word “debt” into Spotify's search bar and came across the podcast. Listening to Brad's story and the experiences of others who had made progress resonated deeply with her. Mary found herself binge-listening to the episodes, feeling inspired and hopeful. 

She eventually decided to take it a step further by joining the Roots community right before Christmas. This decision marked the beginning of a new chapter in her financial journey. 

The Roots Journey 

Mary started the Roots program with determination and commitment. She diligently went through each module, took notes, and applied what she learned. She began budgeting for the first time, using spreadsheets to track her income, expenses, and debts. Mary also became very conscious of her behaviors, habits, and choices, scrutinizing every purchase and decision. 

The Roots program provided Mary with the support and accountability she needed. The weekly group coaching calls, the Facebook community, and the core content from the modules helped her stay on track and motivated. 

The Results 

In just five months, Mary achieved remarkable progress: 

- Paid off $7,214 in debt 

- Saved $1,500 in her emergency fund 

Combining her savings and debt repayment, Mary has made nearly $9,000 worth of progress. This achievement seemed unimaginable to her just five months ago. 

Emotional Impact 

Mary’s journey has not only improved her financial situation but also significantly reduced her stress levels. She no longer feels the burden of debt weighing her down and has a clear plan to move forward. Her story is a testament to the impact that financial awareness and disciplined action can have on one’s life. 

Advice for Different Age Groups 

**For Older Individuals:** 

- Stay positive and don't give up. 

- Utilize all the resources available in the program. 

- Believe that you can do better and continuously strive for improvement. 

**For Younger Individuals:** 

- Stay focused and committed from the start. 

- Develop an emergency fund mentality and create multiple savings buckets for different goals. 

- Learn and apply basic financial principles early to avoid future pitfalls. 


Mary's story is a powerful reminder that financial freedom is achievable through dedication, smart planning, and consistent action. Whether you’re just starting out or looking for ways to improve your financial situation, the Debt Free Dad Podcast and the Roots community offer valuable resources and support. 

Resources Mentioned
Get better results with your finances in 30-60 days - GUARANTEED. Watch this video to learn how! - https://www.debtfreedad.com/payoff-debt-in-60-to-90-days 

Free Tools and Downloads at www.debtfreedad.com

Connect With Brad

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Episode Transcript: