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podcast title Are Your Kids' Extracurricular Expenses Stressing Out Your Finances?

Episode 87 - Are Your Kids' Extracurricular Expenses Stressing Out Your Finances?

Welcome to episode #87 of the Debt Free Dad podcast. Check this out, 8 in 10 parents think their child's competitive or extracurricular activity could one day lead to income, and over half admit they spend more than they can afford on extracurriculars, and 64% of parents admit they are stressed out about paying for their child's extracurricular activities. So are these types of activities worth the cost, and is it worth the financial stress they are causing?

What You'll Learn

  • Learn tips to help ease financial stress from your kids' sports and extracurriculars. 
  • Are you feeling guilty for your kids missing out, and is that guilt forcing you to take on expenses you can't afford? Listen as we discuss this sensitive topic and what you can do.
  • Hear the staggering statistics around kids' sports and extracurriculars. 

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