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Episode 244 - 911 Dispatcher's SECRET to Saving & Paying Off $9K

Feeling overwhelmed and stressed about your debt? You're not alone. Many people struggle to see a way out, gradually losing hope. But just eight months ago, Tawana was in the same boat. Fast forward to today, and she's made incredible strides, saving and paying off thousands of dollars. Her story is one of resilience, determination, and hope for anyone facing similar financial challenges. 



Tawana is a 49-year-old married mother of two, working as an emergency dispatcher for 911. Her life, filled with the usual busy schedules and family commitments, didn't spare her the financial struggles most people encounter. Tawana loved karaoke, reading, and hanging out with friends, but her relationship with money was far from healthy. 

The Turning Point 

Tawana's money troubles started young. Growing up, she witnessed her mother struggling and eventually overcoming bankruptcy. Unfortunately, Tawana inherited the habit of spending more as she earned more, leading her into a cycle of debt. However, eight months ago, she decided it was time for a change. 

Discovering Debt Free Dad 

One night, as she was scrolling through social media, Tawana came across a video from Debt Free Dad. The relatable and straightforward approach of Brad Nelson, the founder, caught her attention. She decided to join the Roots program, hoping it could guide her to a debt-free life. "It sounded relatable," Tawana recalls. "Normal people getting out of debt, no gimmicks." 

Joining Roots: The First Steps 

Joining an accountability group to tackle finances isn’t something Tawana thought she'd ever do. The Roots program's focus on identifying one’s "why" made a significant impact on her journey. "I never had a why. I never had a reason," she says. Understanding her motivations provided Tawana with the clarity and commitment needed to follow the plan diligently. 

Early Learnings and Challenges 

Identifying unnecessary spending was one of the first lightbulb moments for Tawana. Emotional or boredom-induced shopping, especially on platforms like Amazon, was a significant hurdle. Through the program, she learned to recognize and manage these triggers, leading to better financial decisions. 

Building an Emergency Fund 

One of Tawana’s first achievements was building an emergency fund of $3,000. This safety net proved invaluable when unexpected expenses cropped up, preventing her from falling back into the credit card trap. The peace of mind this brought was immense, transforming crises into manageable situations. 

Real Results and Emotional Relief 

In eight months, Tawana saved $3,000 and paid off $6,000 in credit card debt. The total $9,000 turnaround has been a source of immense pride and emotional relief for her. “I honestly feel good,” she shares. The stress of financial instability has lifted, replaced by a feeling of accomplishment and control. 

Support and Accountability 

The Roots community provided Tawana with a much-needed support system. Seeing others in the group succeed and sharing her wins kept her motivated. The Facebook group, meetups, and replays of sessions offered continuous learning and reinforcement of her financial goals. 

The Bigger Picture: Tawana’s “Why” 

For Tawana, financial freedom means more than just paying off debt. It's about retiring comfortably, free from the burden of consumer debt, and spending quality time with her family. This vision keeps her focused, reminding her why she started this journey in the first place. 

Advice to Others 

Looking back, Tawana believes anyone can achieve what she has. Her advice? Just start. “You have to want it bad enough for yourself to just do it. Put yourself to the test and just do it. Even if you have setbacks, continue on. You just have to take the first step.”  

Tawana’s journey is a testament to what’s possible with the right mindset, tools, and support. For anyone struggling with debt, her story provides a beacon of hope and a practical roadmap to follow. 

Resources Mentioned
Get better results with your finances in 30-60 days - GUARANTEED. Watch this video to learn how! - 

Free Tools and Downloads at

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